12 Mart 2500
12 Mart 2500
12 Mart 2500 is a business/services listed under Supermarkets & Grocery Stores in Phnom Penh. If you want to get driving directions to 12 Mart 2500 you can use the map & directions below - address-No. 57D, Samdech Monireth Blvd (217), 12160 Phnom Penh. You can also call 12 Mart 2500 via phone number 077 733 331 or visit at No. 57D, Samdech Monireth Blvd (217), 12160 Phnom Penh.
- 12 MART 2500
- Business Services: Supermarkets & Grocery Stores
- Address : No. 57D, Samdech Monireth Blvd (217), 12160 Phnom Penh
- City/Area : Phnom Penh
- State :
- Country : Cambodia
- Postcode/Zipcode :
- Phone Number : 077 733 331
Map Location
Map & Driving directions to 12 MART 2500 of No. 57D, Samdech Monireth Blvd (217), 12160 Phnom Penh.
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